One of the most “feared” subjects and least talked about is certainly English Literature and a considerable bulk of students who struggle to perform well in Literature are also those who struggle with the English Language. There are also some students who are passionate about the subject but are unsure of how to push their
Category: education

Contribution & Collaboration: How can parents be active participants in children’s academic journey?
Studying in school, passing the national exams, getting into college, doing an undergraduate, going to work: All these are admittedly different phases of life and they all harbour different emotions, meanings and at each stage the same person would have evolved to become a better version of themselves. Parents have the best interest at heart
Tackling the PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination) is no mean feat, let alone during a pandemic when the teaching and learning landscape has dramatically changed. The panic and uncertainty pertaining this drastic change has weared off to a great extent; the bloom is off the rose and everyone has accepted that one has to go
Have you ever found yourself sitting through a home tuition class and realising that – although you thought you were paying attention, you haven’t actually caught what the tutor has been talking about for the past 5 minutes? Well, you are not the only one. Today, human’s attention span is shorter than ever before, and
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted education and school systems all over the world. Since the circuit breaker policy was enacted in Singapore, learning has been forced online in an unprecedented shift from primarily face-to-face classes to mostly digital tutorials and video-based lessons. As students, teachers and parents adapt to the new
Retaking an examination has a huge social stigma attached to it and especially in a competitive society like Singapore where education is treated with such seriousness. Hence, students and their parents try to hide the fact that an examination is being re-taken because that affects the way others look at them. Nonetheless, it has to
Private schools in Singapore have great recognition all over the world; the quality of education is good and many students keep this as an option when considering their choice of schools. However, parents as well as students are unsure as to which school would be the best for them in terms of what they expect
Singapore is generally a choice of country for many students to study in for their higher studies as the country offers high quality education, as well as security. Many are unsure of how to get admission to enter Singapore local schools as the procedure may not be as clear. International students who want to get
In attending any comprehension regardless, the language, it is important to be well-informed of what the text passage has to say to its readers. Some information might be more important than the others. Hence it is essential for students to be able to differentiate and pick out important phrases, sentences, etc. This is also a
In Singapore, Mathematics education at the A-level plays an important role in laying the foundation for building a pool of highly skilled and analytical workforce, especially in STEM related areas. It provides students, regardless of the intended course of study at the university level, with a useful set of tools and problem-solving skills to support