This idea of tuition for the Chinese language has become a hot topic for many reasons. The practice of speaking in the mother tongue at home has become so seldom. The children lose touch with their roots. Grandparents are no longer living with their children and grandchildren because of the Asian tradition and concept of ‘filial piety”. It becomes obsolete in today’s day and age. So, this deprives children of the opportunity to converse in their mother tongue.
The consequence…
This inevitably results in students being unable to conversate well in Mandarin. They end up struggling with writing essays as well due to the lack of exposure to enough characters as well. Vocabulary skills have to be strong that forms the base to an ‘A’ grade.
So, What’s the need for a Higher Chinese home tutor?
There may be students who perform well in standard Mandarin but when it comes to Higher Chinese, the struggle kicks in again. Given that the language is complex by nature, without proper guidance, it is difficult for students to progress.
Teachers in schools are always in a hurry to finish their syllabus. Hence inevitably teach at such a fast pace and they lull their students to sleep with their old teaching techniques. In fact, for language, it is difficult for teachers to help students develop important language skills within the stipulated time period within the timetable given.
Having known this reality, Higher Chinese tuition teachers make sure that they keep their lessons engaging, fruitful and enjoyable as well. They will make the effort to analyze and understand their students’ strengths and weaknesses in order to mold their teaching methods accordingly.
Good tutors do not have biased opinions and with all their students. The aim is to enable them to stretch their potential and perform well ultimately. Chinese home tuition teachers are trusted educators, and they understand students’ concerns and dilemmas.
Tutors will make the effort to explain the pros and cons of certain academic-related decisions or career-related decisions so that students can make informed decisions with all the necessary information in their hands.
Chinese home tutors make it a point to keep their students’ parents updated about the progress being made. Parents are always concerned about whether their child is performing well or struggling with the subject. Good tutors will connect with parents and communicate with them. This will be a good step to assist in the progress of children because that way parents can better understand the situation and think about ways in which they can contribute.
Teaching a language is certainly not easy and for Higher Chinese students, it’s just that final push that they need to reach that ‘A’ grade. It is a matter of learning, unlearning and relearning under proper guidance and that way students will be able to understand where they had gone in order to fill in their learning gaps.