The GCE O Level examination is indeed one of the most important milestones for students studying in Singapore. With the results achieved through O level examination, students would consider taking the Junior College path or the Polytechnic route. What’s even more stressful for students is to choose a specific course in Polytechnic based on O-level results. This can be a stressful decision-making process as it may seem like students are forced to decide on a possible career option very early in their academic journey.

Whatever route one might take, it is important to perform exceedingly well in all subjects to keep all options open. Students should not gamble their subjects, concentrate on one over another and narrow down their options to a particular field as it may limit them and keep many good options out of the way.
Although many students aim to get straight ‘A’s in all subjects for O level, many are unsure of how to go about achieving this goal. Many students seek the help of tuition teachers to improve their grades. What’s even more popular these days is online tuition! Online tuition teachers are gaining importance and being recognised much more today as online learning has become a convenient learning option in this post-pandemic era.
So, here’s how you can step-up your preparation for the GCE O level and do well for the national examination!
We are living in such an era where we are fortunate enough to google anything and everything to read up on the things we do not know. There are so many online lectures and easy-to-understand YouTube videos uploaded by tutors which makes students’ life so much easier.

Online animated videos are most appealing to visual learners who tend to understand and internalise information when they are presented in the form of animations or pictures. Online videos are made by many talented professors and tutors who have a creative way to explain complex concepts in a simple and fun way. This way, challenging topics may not seem as bad as students think and fear them to be.
Online quizzes are an excellent way to test one’s knowledge. There are many online quizzing platforms in which tutors can create online quizzes for their students. These would not be open-ended questions instead, they would be in an MCQ pattern. This ensures that students can test themselves to see how far they are familiar with the concepts they learn.

Multiple Choice Questions are excellent in testing one’s knowledge as it targets the details and nuances of a concept. In order to get an MCQ question right, one must be able to apply the concept taught for the context of the question and think about what is being asked in a much deeper way. Online tutors are skilled in setting challenging questions for their students and they will know the techniques to set questions in an interesting manner.
With online learning, it is an excellent opportunity for students to create their own PowerPoint presentations and present topics to their fellow classmates or tuition mates over a webinar session. The more students involve themselves in the process of teaching others the topics they have learnt, the better that the information gets encoded in the brain.

The mind organises information in a more logical fashion and the retention and recall rate for students who teach their peers is much higher. Some of the benefits of peer teaching include,
- Builds confidence
- Students develop leadership qualities
- Students gain the satisfaction of helping fellow students
- It is a good experience
- Helps students build good communication and interpersonal skills
As times change, everyone has to adapt accordingly in every aspect of life. Technology is rapidly developing, and it has invaded all parts of our lives including education. Online learning has become the new norm and every has to get used to this and make the best out of whatever it can offer; though it may not be the same as traditional classroom learning.