How To Nurture And Empower My Child?

How To Nurture and Empower My Child

As a parent, you play many roles as you walk your child through their developmental stages. You become a mentor, a friend, a lover, an admirer, etc. all through your life to help and support them at each and every stage of their growth.

Your child is special to you, and so are you to your child. Hence, to be at your best in any role you play, you will need to understand the psychological needs of your child.

Here’s how you can achieve this:

Effective Communication is a Must


If you really want to know your child and their psychological needs, simply TALK. Communication is probably the best way to understand what and how your child feels at any given point of time. Ask them questions about their school, about their friends, problems if any, expectations, dreams, etc. on a regular basis. The more you interact, the more you make them feel comfortable and supported.

With deeper conversations on regular basis, you will better understand your child’s personality, attributes, behavior and strengths. With better understanding with your child, your relationship will strengthen and you can help your child realize his/her full potential.”

Be a Good Role Model

Be a Good Role Model

Young kids learn a lot when they see their parents regularly. The younger they are, the more cues they grab from you. Hence, set a good example of yourself before them so that they learn good from you. Control your emotions, especially your anger, frustrations before them. Be aware that you’re constantly being noticed and even followed by your kids.

Be an Intense Observer

While it is important to stand back and help your child to make mistakes and learn from them, it is also pertinent to look out for “warning” signs that may indicate indicating that your child is facing some problem.

Observations include:

  • Unable to complete homework;
  • Distracted from studies;
  • Skip lessons
  • Plays truant;
  • Breaks school rules often;
  • Shows disrespect and ignorance to teachers and parents;
  • uses rough and arrogant language;
  • keeps late hours;
  • Stay isolated;
  • Online role-playing games;
  • Improper eating, etc.

Loving your children for who they are and giving them the space to find them is a special part of parenting. The more you give, the more you win them and help them grow as a good individual.

This article was first published on ChampionTutor.