Study burnout is a type of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion that reduces motivation and accomplishment. But it’s not the same as merely feeling worried about your upcoming test. Academic burnout is a specific issue where students feel so overwhelmed that they have almost no chance of meeting expectations.
However, it’s not always easy to know whether you’re experiencing study burnout or not. This is why you should ask yourself the following questions for a point in the right direction:
- Do you experience continued lack of energy, fatigue and decreased motivation when it comes to completing your tuition assignments?
- Do you find yourself unproductive?
- Do you have difficulty concentrating in class?
If you answered yes to these questions, chances are that you might be experiencing academic burnout. Although this is undoubtedly a serious issue, it’s important to realise that you’re not alone. Feeling disengaged from your studies is commonplace in Singapore.
While study burnout can take a big toll on your day-to-day life, you can overcome it with the right approach. By setting realistic goals, seeking assistance and getting plenty of rest, making these gradual lifestyle changes will help you rise above this issue.
Dealing with Study Burnout
If you’re experiencing or concerned about developing study burnout, consider the following tips to take back control of your academic performance.
Recognise and Acknowledge Symptoms
Falling behind in class is never a good thing. But acknowledging feelings of demotivation and stress as potential study burnout is a crucial first step to getting better. If you believe this to be the case, you have to take the warning signs seriously to manage and eventually conquer this complicated situation.
Academic burnout takes many forms, but some of the most common symptoms include a loss of confidence, increased anxiety and bodily tension. You may also experience detachment from friends, general fatigue and intellectual exhaustion.
In any case, recognise that burnout isn’t something to be ashamed of, but a genuine problem that requires proper care and consideration.
Evaluate Your Priorities
While completing your tuition assignments to a high standard should undoubtedly be a priority, losing sight of the big picture is one of the main reasons students experience study burnout. Thus, regularly reflecting on your academic goals is essential, as it helps students refocus on what really matters when it comes to their schooling life. Use a planner to manage your daily activities, implement different study tips and create realistic goals to find a real sense of direction.
Pace Yourself
As the inability to concentrate is one of the most common study burnout symptoms, students should strive to remain patient with themselves. By taking your academic studies one day at a time, you can strike a vital study-life balance and effectively reduce stress. Consider dividing your tuition assignments into smaller, more manageable tasks so that you can approach them with greater confidence and energy. Meanwhile, take on meaningful projects outside your studies to ensure you give yourself a break.
Don’t Ignore the Importance of Sleep
Lack of sleep is widely experienced by Singapore’s student population, with recent research pointing that approximately 80% of pupils fail to achieve the National Sleep Foundation’s recommended amount. Although between seven and nine hours of sleep is suggested for teenagers and young adults, evidently most find this hard to achieve.
Unfortunately, not getting enough sleep can lead to increased anxiety, high blood pressure, weight gain, trouble concentrating and a greater risk of heart disease, among many other problems. But it’s possible to generate a healthy sleep pattern by avoiding stimulants at least four hours before bedtime, turning off devices early and making time to exercise.
Remember to Ask for Help
If you’re feeling demotivated or having problems concentrating during your tuition, know that you don’t have to go through this alone. Remember to speak to your school’s campus counsellor or part-time tuition teacher to receive informed advice about managing your studies and overcoming burnout.