Co-curricular activities are underrated, and some students and parents do not seem to understand the significance of it. The reason behind bringing in co-curricular activities is to enable students to develop themselves holistically. A student must be strong in academics and should have other soft skills as well to adapt and adjust to everything that comes along their way.

Students opt for private tuition and extra classes in school to strengthen the academic aspect of their school life. Co-curricular activities on the other hand will equip students with important skills and teach them lessons that the textbooks can’t.
So, let’s look at how important co-curricular activities can be for children.
A Wise Use Of Time
These activities are carried out perfunctorily by some students who have the opinion that it’s all a waste of time. After school curriculum ends, the mind will be exhausted and would want some form of an escape to relax and alleviate the stress. Every school has a plethora of options from which students can choose from. Some schools allow students to rotate from one activity to another while others require students to stick to the one, they have chosen from the beginning.
A CCA open house will be held for students to go around and explore all that is available to choose one when the day comes. When students are exposed to a wide range of activities, it creates curiosity in them, and some might even discover a hidden talent in them!
One might think about what the correlation between career and co-curricular activities is. Though it may not be obvious, there is a strong correlation. Many people think of how they want their career to pan out but keep to their own counsel of it because their afraid that others’ opinions might change the course of their direction.
It is important to voice out your ambitions and talk to others to see what can be done to explore more about your field of interest. Some of the skills you might need to have in your dream job, could be acquired through a co-curricular activity in school.

Many have apprehensions about the commitments in co-curricular activity and they believe there isn’t much they can gain from the time spent after school. One must keep a sanguine mind before starting off anything in life. Having apprehensions is normal and acceptable, but positive thinking is essential to have to get through odds with less of a struggle.
Even the smallest of lesson learnt can come in real handy in the right moment in life!
Being Humble
Some take pride in flaunting their medals and trophies ostentatiously. However, one must be reminded that the achievements doesn’t matter at the end of the day. The only thing that will be respected by others is the knowledge you have the humbleness that you carry with you despite all the flattery that you receive from others for your accomplishments.

Students who perform well in co-curricular activities can acquire an arrogance over time, but this attitude is the most noxious of all poisons for the self. One must also learn to be supportive of others, acknowledge their own weaknesses and take ownership for their mistakes. All these valuable lessons can only be learnt outside four walls of a classroom.