
What Makes A Great Surgeon?

The beginning of surgery can be dated back to the Neolithic and pre-Classical ages, which was proven by all sorts of evidence like small holes drilled in the skull for craniotomy procedure. It was even found that ancient Mayans had practiced dental surgery; evidenced by filling cavities with stones like turquoise and hematite. Surgery was

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mastering interviews

A Guide To Mastering Interviews

An interview is all about “selling yourself” to the interviewers. You need to be able to convince them that you are their right choice and that you fit the bill for whatever you are trying to secure your place in. You may be attending a medical school interview, an overseas-values-in-action programme interview, or it may

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stay focused during lessons

Best Tips To Stay Focused During Lessons

Being attentive during a lesson is of utmost importance that is the best way to learn and internalise information effectively. During classes in school or during one-to-one home tuition, or even group tuition, tutors would point out important information, and should students not be attentive during that lesson, they would lose out on learning about concepts in

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