5 Tips You Would Have Given Your 12-year-old Self

Adolescence is a difficult period of time in everyone’s life. This is mainly because there are a lot of confusions on matters like self-identity, sexual orientation, and so on. This is the time when we think about what we like and dislike, we try to figure out ourselves and we also make choices in matters like relationship and academics. A lot of drastic changes take place in this point in time and most of would not be comfortable in our own skin due to the confusions and the endless self-doubts.

You would have heard your tuition teachers, parents, school teachers and other such parental figures tell you that one has to pay his dues, in order to gain what he desires. Nothing comes easy and no one will offer happiness on a silver platter. The advice may be truly challenging to put to action, but it is absolutely necessary.

{Source: Thriveglobal}

Here are some tips you know you could have given your 12-year-old self if you could go back in time. Or even better, you take these as lessons that you have learnt and tell children younger than you to keep these in mind so that they can have a smoother ride in their teenage years!


During the period of adolescence, we become egocentric to create our own identity. One needs to build his identity, which is done with the help of what we call as “Ego”. The “Me” and the “I” propels us forward helps us cope with challenges. However, one needs to strike the balance and ensure that he or she doesn’t become self-absorbed. This should not become the driving force for narcissism and selfish attitude.

This identity crisis is what causes one to compare themselves with others. We want to make ourselves matter and we wonder what our role on earth is. However, it may seem like lots of questions go unanswered and in fact, there are no definite answers.

With the parameters of human knowledge, a lot remains as an enigma.


Post-puberty, one becomes emotionally and physically independent. But a teenager would not be able to exercise complete control over themselves. They will still cling on to some characteristics of childhood like: lack of responsibility, egocentricism and rejection of concepts, theories or suggestions out of impulse without thinking through them thoroughly.

the transition
{Source: Aism}

One needs to understand the fact that transitioning from childhood to adulthood is a journey filled with challenges and confusions. When the mind accepts and embraces this reality, the way one views struggles will be altered. Acceptance is an excellent way to cope with challenges because no time will be wasted on dwelling over one’s plight. Instead, the time and energy will be better spent by channelling that into finding a workable solution.


One needs to be taught of the importance of passing on the torch to the next to illuminate our world. It takes a small light bulb to destroy the darkness all around us; hence every action and thought of ours need to travel the path of righteousness. Picking the right battle to fight, navigating relationships in a healthy way, making sure that decisions are not made in a whim, are all crucial elements in life.

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If we choose to be lazy and if choose to never take ownership for our mistakes, our chances of making an impact in this world is slim to none. Youngsters need to be taught that life is a journey of transience and impermanence. Should we have understood this fact in our early adolescence, perhaps we could have saved ourselves from lots of challenges and heartaches.