Junior college education is known to be one of the most challenging phases to get pass for students in Singapore. Most students struggle through this phase and would find it extremely challenging to manage their academics and perform well consistently. There are many JC tuition centres in Singapore and students, as well as their parents need to be conscious about some factors that they need to consider when finding the best of it all.
So here are certain guidelines to choose a good tuition centre:
Students should go to tuition centres which are MOE-registered. As long as a tuition centre has more than or equal to 10 students. It must be registered with the Ministry of Education (MOE) which will check the academic qualifications of the tutors in the tuition centre.

Even then, there are hundreds of MOE registered tuition centres so there are still a lot of options to choose from. Thus, it is a waste of time trying to bother with non-registered tuition centres. For example, in 2014, Kelvin Ong, owner of a tuition centre, had faked his credentials and got away with it for a long period of time. These types of problems will not happen in MOE registered tuition centres.
It is important to check the track record of a potential tuition centre. A lot of research needs to be done to make sure if the centre is ideal for the student. The junior college Singapore student should know how long the tuition centre has been around. A tuition centre that has lasted for a long time is most likely a centre with good tutors and good teaching methods. The type of teachers should also be researched on. For example, if the teachers were NIE-trained it hints that the tutors have experience in teaching.

If the teachers have a high level of education in the subject they are teaching (for example a Master’s degree), it also shows the tutors’ expertise in their respective subjects. However, it is equally as important to look at past students at the same time; not only the tutors. A tutor that had a good reputation teaching elite school students may not be as successful when presented with students who are not as highly motivated to be high achievers. A tuition centre that shows that students that improved may be more suitable as compared to a tuition centre that produces A grade students.
Students should not only focus fully on the tuition centre; they should also focus on themselves. For a tuition centre to be perfect for a student, he or she must also understand their own needs. If the student is very shy and does not like being taught in a group setting, private tutors should be considered above tuition centres. If they have a predictable schedule, are comfortable with interacting and learning with others, and do not mind travelling then tuition centres are suitable. Moreover, even if they are fine with travelling a long distance to go for tuition, it is not recommended as students can easily get fed up with the travel time. Thus, picking a tuition centre near their place of stay will help them in the long run.